Twist Front Top // White Jeans // Wedge Sandals
Is it sad when you are excited for an outing to your local Target? I think all women love Target, don’t they? Outside of their mediocre return policy I don’t know … Continue Reading...
Twist Front Top // White Jeans // Wedge Sandals
Is it sad when you are excited for an outing to your local Target? I think all women love Target, don’t they? Outside of their mediocre return policy I don’t know … Continue Reading...
Yay, it’s Friday! We made it through another week and I’m bringing you another week’s Shop My Closet post. The warmer weather this past couple of days has really got me in good spirits and looking forward to the months … Continue Reading...
It’s Thursday already, this week has really blown by. This whole year is blowing by, too fast even. There are six weeks of school left. Six weeks! I love summertime and having my babes home, but that means that T … Continue Reading...
This weather guys, ugh! Spring seems to be refusing to come to central Illinois. I have a few plants in the landscape trying to make a debut, but every time I get excited that I can see a hint of … Continue Reading...
Chambray shirts have been popular for several years now, but sometimes I still struggle with how to style them. How about you? I find myself getting into a rut and always wearing the same things together, rather than taking the … Continue Reading...
On our previous two trips to Thailand we have routed through Bangkok. This time we decided to route through Singapore. We didn’t have much time there, but we made what we had count!
Waiting at the Phuket Airport for our … Continue Reading...
After such a fast-paced schedule the previous day we chose to slow it down a bit for our last day in Phuket. We all slept in, then headed down for a late breakfast. When Kadie was woken up after 9 … Continue Reading...
Sorry for being MIA the past few days! We were without WiFi on our long flight home from Singapore where I had thought I would have plenty of time to get some posts up detailing the last few days of … Continue Reading...