There went another week! It sure went fast. We are in the home stretch until summer break, only nine school days left! I’m excited to share another Shop My Closet post with you guys today.
I am feeling on top … Continue Reading...
There went another week! It sure went fast. We are in the home stretch until summer break, only nine school days left! I’m excited to share another Shop My Closet post with you guys today.
I am feeling on top … Continue Reading...
I’m so excited to share my ‘She-Space’ with you guys today! I’ve been working on it for the past few weeks – gathering items online, building and altering to make it all come together into one cohesive, soothing, eye-appealing space. … Continue Reading...
Today’s post goes well with yesterday’s post. Yesterday I featured graduate gift ideas. Today I have sourced 20 outfit ideas for graduation ceremonies, parties or weddings and they are all under $100! I’ve broken it into two sections: dresses … Continue Reading...
My older two kids are a freshman in college and a junior in high school. With having kids in that age range the need for graduation gift ideas seems to be a reoccurring thing. I’ve taken some time to source … Continue Reading...
Las Vegas is a great place to spend a long weekend. In the past 15 years we have been to Vegas close to a dozen times. However, we are not gamblers. I honestly don’t believe I have totaled $100 in … Continue Reading...
Happy Friday guys! This week has flown by. Outside of blogland it has been a whirlwind week. I’ve got two kittens going to their new homes out of country tomorrow, one to Canada and one to Germany. Because of the … Continue Reading...
Dale and I are Supercross fans. We have been watching the races for the past ten years and have gone out to the final race in Vegas several times. We talked about going this year, but then got busy and … Continue Reading...
How long have joggers been around, a few years? It’s only been recently that they appear to have been ‘tweaked’ in a way that allows them to go from ‘frumpy college girl’ to casual chic. The cut has gotten narrower … Continue Reading...
Do you have any Mother’s Day traditions, be it between you and your mom or you and your kids/husband? I love holiday/family traditions and my kids are crazy about things having to be done according to tradition (some things I … Continue Reading...
Hi Guys! I hope you had a great weekend and were able to enjoy some beautiful weather. It was a little bit chillier than ideal Saturday morning for the 5K run that Kadie and I ran. In case you are … Continue Reading...