Sorry for being MIA Guys!! Life has gotten the better of me this past week. It’s been a good week though. I have enjoyed spending time in the barn helping the kids with their animal chores, as well as working … Continue Reading...
Sorry for being MIA Guys!! Life has gotten the better of me this past week. It’s been a good week though. I have enjoyed spending time in the barn helping the kids with their animal chores, as well as working … Continue Reading...
If you remember, a couple weekends ago our family attended a livestock show in Grand Island, Nebraska. I thought I would take some time to expand on that for those of you that are not familiar with showing livestock.
Our … Continue Reading...
Hi Guys! I hope you had a great weekend and were able to celebrate the special dads in your life. Dale and I did a little bit of office work in the morning, then we headed into town with the … Continue Reading...
In the past 30 days my fitness routine has hit a major rough patch. Between traveling, the start of summer break and some routine burnout I’ve probably only logged 25% of my workouts. It’s bad. Then I feel discouraged and … Continue Reading...
Did you know there are actually studies proving that there are positive benefits to making your bed? Charles Duhigg, author of The Power of Habit states that “making your bed every morning is correlated with better productivity, a greater sense … Continue Reading...
I’m going to start by admitting first that I have an addiction. I love clothes, and shoes, and accessories… I love it all! I know my closet is bigger than most, but it is actually the smallest closet in our … Continue Reading...
When I was in high school I had a friend that either loved to iron or hated wrinkles. I’m not sure which it was, maybe a little of both? She even ironed her sheets! I loved traveling with her because … Continue Reading...
My older two kids are a freshman in college and a junior in high school. With having kids in that age range the need for graduation gift ideas seems to be a reoccurring thing. I’ve taken some time to source … Continue Reading...
How long have joggers been around, a few years? It’s only been recently that they appear to have been ‘tweaked’ in a way that allows them to go from ‘frumpy college girl’ to casual chic. The cut has gotten narrower … Continue Reading...
Do you have any Mother’s Day traditions, be it between you and your mom or you and your kids/husband? I love holiday/family traditions and my kids are crazy about things having to be done according to tradition (some things I … Continue Reading...