Take time to do what makes your soul happy

‘You are what you associate with’ – I heard that phrase a lot growing up.  Also, think positive and positive things will happen.  My dad is a very positive person, a characteristic that rubbed off on me.  Mr. MM reminds me on any low days that it was my positive attitude that drew him to me, he fell in love with me because of my positive attitude and outlook on life.

Do what makes you oh-so happy sign

I planned to jump into something fashion related for this post, but felt a need to give a little more background about myself – give you an opportunity to relate to me or maybe a reason to want to relate. Starting this blog is a new chapter, a new journey in my life.  I am excited to see where it will lead me.  I am also scared – scared of failing, scared of criticism, scared of the people that don’t really know me but will judge me in a public forum.  I am choosing joy however, I am making the choice now to stay positive, keep my chin up and continue on.  I am ‘thinking it into existion’ – another phrase I heard a lot as a kid. I want to set an example for my kids to reach for the stars and not be petrified by failure.

Gather here with grateful hearts sign

My modern farmhouse style home décor incorporates many signs – positive, encouraging signs.  I am a believer in surrounding one’s self with positivity, which I will do on this blog. You are here for inspiration and encouragement.  I intend to provide this for you. Theodore Roosevelt said, “It is hard to FAIL, but it is worse never to have tried to SUCCEED.”

Always stay humble and kind sign

My goals include sharing my experiences regarding style/fashion choices, giving insight on the many places I am fortunate to experience through travel and sharing with you home décor ideas and DIY projects for the home.

There's no place like home sign

Is there something in your life calling to you, a new adventure, a new chapter?  Will there be a better time to go after it than the present? I believe the saying goes ‘there is no time like the present.’

Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire

Thank you #autumnlanepaperie for the awesome graphic!