Well hello!  Today I’m sharing with you a new product that I have tried a couple of times and am liking.  I’ve noticed over the last year that I am starting to get noticeable pores in some areas on my face, especially my chin.  It stinks getting old!  My research told me that a mud mask was the best route to shrink pore size.  The idea behind it is that as the mud mask dries it will draw out the gunk that is clogging your pores, allowing them to shrink since they aren’t full of the gunk.  This mask also contains activated charcoal, which is said to bind to and help pull out the dirt in your pores.

Deep Sea Mud Mask Deep Sea Mud MaskApril’s Activated Carbon Dead Sea Mud Mask

This mask smells really good too – fresh and clean.  I use one the end of one of my makeup brushes to ‘scoop’ the mask out of the pot, then I use my finger to smooth it onto my face.  The directions say to leave it on for 15 minutes, then use warm water to wash it off.  It causes a slight tingling sensation.  I have read some reviews online of the activated charcoal masks in general causing irritation to super sensitive skin – mostly redness.  I have not experienced this, but I would not consider my skin overly sensitive. 

Deep Sea Mud Mask

Deep Sea Mud Mask

This mask doesn’t dry like some clay/mud masks.  I’ve left it on for an extra 5-10 minutes to see if it would dry and it still is pretty moist.  I think it would take an hour to really dry.  Once removed it leaves your skin feeling very soft and smooth and I can see where it has pulled some of the gunk in my pores to the surface, yuck.  The directions say to use the mask once or twice a week.  I have used it twice now in two weeks.  I would like to use it more, but seem to run out of time too often. 

Deep Sea Mud Mask Deep Sea Mud Mask

I don’t have any amazing before and after pictures to share with you.  Just my opinion that this product does seem to be promising in shrinking pore size, especially if used more frequently.  Another one I have been seeing on Social Media that I would love to try is this Sand & Sky Australian Pink Clay mask. It’s quite a bit more pricey though.  If I do end up trying it out I’ll be sure to let you know what I think!

Do you have any pore shrinking secrets?  If so, please share!